Monday, July 27, 2015

#88 The Child Who Favored Daughter- Alice Walker

#88 The Child Who Favored Daughter- Alice Walker

This heartbreaking tale is one of sin, betrayal, forbidden love. The kind of love that drove his beloved sister to madness, he sees now in his own daughter.

“His love for her had turned into a dull ache of constant loathing, and he dreamed vague fearful dreams of a cruel revenge on the white lover who shamed them all.”

“If he cannot frighten her into chastity with his voice he will threaten her with the gun.”

“In a world where innocence and guilt became further complicated by color and race, he felt hesitant and weary of living as though all the world were out to trick him.”

Madness has gripped all of them, just one generation away from servitude, they struggle with innocence, family, and obligation, but they fail in all: “Stumbling weakly towards the house through the shadows of the trees, he tries to look up beseechingly to the stars, but the sky is full of clouds…”

In a way, failure is its own form of failure: “resignation is a kind of dying.”

Notable Passage: “The heat from the sun is oppressively hot but she dos not feel its heat as much as its warmth, for there is a cold spot underneath the hot skin of her back that encloses her heart and reaches chilled arms around the bottom cages of her ribs.”

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