Wednesday, August 24, 2016

#481 Mrs. Sen’s- Jhumpa Lahiri

#481 Mrs. Sen’s- Jhumpa Lahiri

Eliot has a new afterschool babysitter. He goes to Mrs Sen’s house. She is a very proper, but pleasant Indian Woman, the wife of the Mathematics Professor at the University. Eliot is the only one in her care. They spend the afternoons in normal rituals, he sits eating crackers and read the comics while she meticulously prepares dinner for her and her husband.

Mrs. Sen seems like a very lonely woman. She misses her home, the people, the closeness of the neighbors, the smells, the fresh fish, etc. It might be possible that she watches after Eliot because she likes the company, not that she needs the money. Back home she had enough money to have her own driver.

This story is strong on the senses; we notice the temperatures, the smells, the colors, the touch of other humans, or the lack of these things—in the case of being able to scream and having nobody hear. There is deep, but understated emotion as we find in most of Lahiri’s stories.

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