Friday, February 24, 2017

#666 The Man From Out of Town- Sheila Heti

#666 The Man From Out of Town- Sheila Heti

At first this seems like an amusing innocuous boy-meets-girl tale, but of course it isn’t. Heti has a comic eye about  romantic interactions and the pretense that comes with them.

“It was her high ass that mysteriously lifted itself up to her waist that caused the man to see what a nice girl she was, and how pleasant she would be to spend good times with.”


“There were simple ways some woman had of telling a good guy from a bad, and her way was as stupid as any.”

Pick your adage for this one: A good man is hard to find—Don’t trust strangers—Men are dogs—A bird in the hand…etc. Who knows, this is what it is. Like all of these little vignettes, they usually leave you with an impression, this one leaves you with a slap in the face.

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