Thursday, September 24, 2015

#147 Private Tuition By Mr. Bose- Anita Desai

#147 Private Tuition By Mr. Bose- Anita Desai

Mr. Bose is a private tutor, teaching language and poetry from his home. Because of the small size of his apartment, and the heat, he conducts his lessons outside of the roof. From there he can see his wife cook and care for their child. Between lessons, he briefly visits with them and wished for more time:

“He wanted so much to touch her hair, the strand that lay over her shoulder in a black loop, and did not know how to—she was so busy.”

At times, the day gets hectic, the child gets unruly as children get, tensions grow and tempers flair. Mr. Bose wishes he did not have to teach these intemperate privileged children, wishes they did not see his meager home, he wishes, he wishes, he wishes…but the weight of his surrounding pile on:

“But the darkness was filled with hideous sounds of business and anger and command. The Radio news commentator barked, the baby wailed, the kitchen pots clashed. He even heard his wife’s voice raised, angrily, at the child like a threatening stick.”

We do what we must to get by. At the end of the day, the child goes to be, dinner is served and the tensions of the day alleviated. The anger—gone, the resentment—gone, all that remains is love and family.

Word of the Day: Tuition- I never knew this word had a second meaning. Besides meaning the cost of education, it can also be used to describe the actual “teaching or instruction, especially of individual pupils or small groups.” Don’t I feel uneducated? I guess I should have spend more tuition getting a tuition.

Notable Passage: “Immediately, at the very sight of the tip of her sandal peeping out beneath the flowering hem of her sari, he was a man broken to pieces, flung this way and that, rattling. Rattling.”

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