Wednesday, October 5, 2016

#524 Fat- Raymond Carver

#524 Fat- Raymond Carver

Raymond Carver was the second author I read for this project more than 500 stories ago, but I only read a few from his Fires collection. You can't have a project about short stories and skimp on the Raymond Carver so here is some more. I picked up his book, Will You Please Be Quiet, Please? (In the name of redundancy, I’m hoping that the person in the title is named: Please. Ha!)

This is a cartoonish scene about a waitress serving an extremely obese gentleman. He is polite, and proper and quiet, but he is morbidly fat and his fingers are three times too large. When he orders and finishes the endless supply of bread he speaks in the plural “we.” As is “We normally don’t eat like this.”

Later in bed with the chef from the restaurant she imagines herself as fat and partner a tiny thing. Bizarre. The story ends with her saying that her life is about to change. I guess we’re supposed to think that she is pregnant and the fat man was a metaphor for someone eating for two. Or maybe he symbolizes gluttony and complacency and her believing that her life will change is a tragic miscalculation. Or maybe this is u just a funny story about a fat man in a restaurant and  gaggle of judgmental servers.

If there was symbolism here I missed, I’m wondering what the fat fingers represented.

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