Friday, February 26, 2016

#301 The Five Wounds- Kirsten Valdez Quade

#301 The Five Wounds- Kirsten Valdez Quade

Amedeo is a criminal, a bad seed, a scourge on the community. He is a 33 year-old out of shape, jobless, useless man, and has a 15 year old daughter that is about to give birth to a grandson. He is about to become Jesus.

It is holy week and the town is preparing for their Calvario, the stations of the cross procession. They chose Amedeo this year hoping that picking the wretched man would bring salvation to him and the community. It is a sacrifice.

The more real the act is the closer to God the portrayer of Jesus gets. The flagellations of the past have gone as far as actually nailing the man to his cross. It can be: “More real even than taking communion…You got a chance to thank Jesus, to hurt with him just a little.”

“If he can up there in front of the whole town and do a performance so convincing he’ll substantiate right there on the cross into something real. Total redemption in one gesture, if only he can do it right”

Amedeo has taken his role to heart, and as the sins of his past flash before his eyes, the more he needs redemption. He is beaten, spit on, bleed, humiliated, and the town knows it made the right choice. For unto us a child is born, and may its sins be washed away.

This is a pretty intense story, but one well deserving of attention. You don’t need to understand the religious nature to feel the emotions of the characters.

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