Thursday, May 7, 2015

#7 False Cognate- Jeff Parker

#7 False Cognate (2006)- Jeff Parker

Parker is an American author, new to me.  I got this story out of the non-required reading of 2006.

An American student finds himself in Russia but barely speaks the language. He feels isolated and has little control over his surroundings.  His situation mirrors a local drinking game called Submarine where people are left in a room for days, sealed in with no view and no contact with the outside world.  They have vodka and food and cant leave until the game Captain lets them out.  Having little or no control over ones life seems to be the major theme here.

I won't spoil the end plot.

It is very well written.  It’s a nice easy paced narrative style that makes me want to read something longer by the author.  In fact that’s the main feeling I get from this story, that it should be or could be cut from a longer piece.  Parker plants seeds in some of the characters that can only bear fruit over time.  That's not a completely satisfying feeling when reading a short story.

Notable Passage: Not a passage but a nice element at the start to illustrate the narrators cultural challenges; He cant figure out why everyone at the school has judges him unsavory until he finds out that when on his first day he asked where the “barber” was, they thought he said “baba” a Russian word meaning “whore.”  Thus, the title for the story.

Rating: 8-7-5-7 Total =27

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