Sunday, September 11, 2016

#499 Stone Mattress- Margaret Atwood

#499 Stone Mattress- Margaret Atwood

Verna was wronged deeply by her first “love,” Bob. She was sexually assaulted, shamed, and sent away when she showed to be pregnant. When her child was taken from her, she decided not to return to het family but take control of her life and never let anyone control or damage her again.

“It was Bob who’d taught her that only the strong can win, that weakness should be mercilessly exploited. It was Bob who turned her into—why not say the word?—A murderer.”

She turned herself into a black widow, seducing, marrying and eventually killing her husbands—at least four—ad getting the only thing that has ever given her comfort:
“All she ever wanted was to be protected by layer upon layer of kind, soft, insulating money.”

“She had no regrets. She did those men a favor: Surely better a swift exit than a lingering decline.”

Now all these years later, financially secure, and essentially out of the game, she comes across her old attacker, Bob and sets out on a plan for revenge. This is a good story, violent but not graphic. Very satisfying.

Notable Passage: “When it came to love, wasn’t believing the same as the real thing? Such beliefs drain your strength and cloud your vision.”

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