Saturday, September 17, 2016

#505 Chamelta- Luis Alberto Urrea

#505 Chamelta- Luis Alberto Urrea

Private Arnulfo Guererro was shot in the head by the last bullet fired during the battle of Chamelta. His buddies try to save his life as they huddle around the camp fire. Their dog is uneasy as he sees the Private's last thoughts and dreams escape out of his head feeding those around him—literally feeding.

This is a short but touching piece about war, camaraderie and death.

Notable Passage: “They’d come out of the mining lands of Rosario, Sinalao, full of revolution and fun. Men were raised to fight and enjoy fighting. None dared admit they were weary of it, weary of fear, and each had learned to dream, and dreamed at all hours—dreamed while sleeping, while awake and marching, while fighting. Only dreaming carried them through the unending battles.”

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