Wednesday, September 28, 2016

#517 Ambitious Sophomore- Kurt Vonnegut

#517 Ambitious Sophomore- Kurt Vonnegut

The Lincoln High School marching band is the pride of the community. The hundred piece band is marching in the parade and is poised to once again win the prize. It’s leader, Mr. Helmholtz has only one problem…money. He spends too much too fast and he needs to buy one more uniform, a special uniform that will enable the stage-stricken piccolo player, Leroy, to play his best.

“Helmholtz often gave the impression of a man lost in dreams, but there was a side to him that was as tough as a rhinoceros. It was the side that raised money for the band.”

A deal was struck, the uniform purchased and the band was in position to march to another victory. But tragedy struck before the competition and the special uniform was ruined. As it turned out no uniform was needed, Leroy found inspiration in an obvious place.

“That wasn’t school spirit—that was the love song of the full-bodied American male.”

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