Tuesday, September 13, 2016

#500 Rocket Ride- Craig Davidson

#500 Rocket Ride- Craig Davidson

Wow, I’ve reached 500 stories! This will probably mark the half way point. I’m having so much fun with this, I’ll definitely try for 1,000 short stories in as many days. Thanks everyone for following along—or at least for checking in every once in a while.

This is a story about a killer whale nearly killing a trainer at a water park. Ben was about to perform the show’s big climactic jump when the whale decided to exact revenge for the brutality of captivity. His leg was bitten off and he nearly died.

“I was the one who fed her. Taught her. Kept her alive. I came to belive she belonged to me, the way land or a car can belong to a person. I forgot that every time I entered the water I belonged to her, and the moment I remembered was the moment it ceased to matter.”

He is having a hard time dealing with his trauma and his new leg-less reality. He lashes out at those wanting to help, he seeks comfort in the wrong places. And he wonders if he deserves the pain he has:

“I think of these things. Casual brutalities, unthinking and profane. Think of them often.”

He retunes to the scene of the crime, and asks his attacker/victim for one last ride, some closure, and perhaps some karmic balance.

Notable Passage: “There is only acceptance, and hope that, in those slender moments separating what is from what may be, there might be understanding.”

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